We offer 6 weeks & 90 Day Packages. Our program exposes the horses to lots of different situations, including travelling to some clinics. They get lots of groundwork & lots of riding!
Reata Ranch is all about giving your horse the best start possible, whilst making it a nice experience for the horse and turning out great horses with a good solid foundation.
Example of what will be covered while your horse is with Reata Ranch:
- Extensive groundwork using Horseman’s Flag and/or lariat so they can be worked from the ground in a calm manner.
- Ground Manners (respectful of personal space/responsive & soft on lead/good handling mouth, feet ect. to prepare them for farrier/dentist & just general use & care).
- Trailer Loading – making sure they load/unload and travel safely.
- Saddling/Bridling – making sure they are comfortable with the saddle, can be saddled calmy & safely & can be tied when saddling. We give first few rides in a Halter & Lead rope and then introduce them to the snaffle.
- LOTS of riding – we start off in the round pen, then arena, but also expose the horses to outside riding: trail rides/cattle work/clinics.
We are also offering a new option as well as changing our general program. We are now open to take horses for a 90 day program to not only build a solid foundation and get them started under saddle but to give our clients’ the option to get us to take their horses a little further along in their training than just starting.
- Horses will be fed, brushed, rugged & cared for daily.
- Worming Training
- Needle Preparation
- Feet Preparation for trimming & shoeing – Horses can be trimmed/shod whilst in our care if owner requires.
- Introduction to Obstacles: horses will be exposed to different obstacles & trained on them.
- Trailer Loading & travelling to some clinics.
- Nosebag Training.
- Hobble Training.
- Rug Training.
- Rope Training: we will get your horses used to have a rope swung from their backs & dragging things behind them.
- All our general Groundwork & Ridden Exercises.
- Trail Rides out/Cow Work.
- Exposed to some clinics during their time with us.
- Exposure to Mechanical Cow/Roping Dummy.
There will be a reintroduction to your horse & a riding lesson if you choose to pick your horse up at a clinic with our 90 day package & you also get a half price clinic to attend. The 90 Day Package also comes with 1 month FREE subscription to our online learning portal.
All horses that come to us on the 90 Day program can & will be trained specifically to desired equine discipline of the client.
Fees include feed, rugging & feet maintenance. Your horses will be cared for in the same manner as our personal horses when in our care. Mentally & physically.
Any vet costs needed are at owner’s expense.
Click here to book a 6 Week Training Program!
Click here to book a 90 Day Training Package!
Please contact us on [email protected] or via our Facebook page to book in, speak about costing or for any questions or queries!